Friday, March 28, 2008

Make em' wait!

"Did the Easter Bunny come? "

"Can we come down yet?"

As a child I could hardly contain myself while my parents made Tim and I sit and wait on Christmas and Easter. The excitement was unbearable and I always felt it was mean to make us wait. So now that I am a parent, what do I do?

I make them wait of course!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Front Tooth

After weeks of tormenting me with it, on his birthday Colton lost his tooth. For some reason I cannot handle any type of tooth trauma. Therefore loose teeth and I don't mix, which Colton loved! He could pull it almost all the way back with his tongue and smile at me...AHHHHH! I get nauseous thinking about it. Thankfully it is gone now and I get to share the pictures of the gaping hole it left behind.


My house was temporarily overrun with 1st graders last Sunday, talk about madness! Colton decided that he should invite a couple of girls again this year...those poor girls. They confided in me that boys are just loud, rough and too silly. I had to agree. I think next year I will have to encourage an all boy party, and leave the whole thing to Josh. Maybe Lennon and I can go shopping.

Luckily spring has not sprung (odd thing to say isn't it?) and the gang could be outside. But the minute the boys were out they were rolling, punching, throwing, taunting, sometimes sliding, and just generally scaring me and the girls. I had to rescue a hat off the roof, keep them from shoving each other over the stone wall of the porch, and attempt to keep them in sight. Of course there had to be a casualty and of course he had to get punched and be crying as his father pulled in to pick him up. It was an awkward situation, I am attempting to sooth the injured child, yell at the boy who punched him, and engage the father of the injured child (who told his boy to toughen up and actually called him a sissy!) all at once. I guess no kid's birthday party is complete unless someone leaves crying, right?

Friday, March 14, 2008

Ice Storm Road Trip

I sit here, watching the icicles drip and the sun shine yearning for spring. The urge to dig in the dirt is overwhelming, if I could only find any. The stagnant winter dust that has settled all over the house just won't cut it, I want real dirt! Last weekend provided one more barrier between me and my dirt...ah, you have to love an ice storm!

Of course this storm has to arrive on the day we are driving our Mothers down to Schenectady to see Love, Janis. We had tickets, hotel reservations, and the strong need to get away for a night, we were going no matter what. I was at work watching the weather change. At first it looked like it was raining and then out of the corner of my eye, bouncing. Not good. I see the car pulling in to pick me up, I walk into the back to get my bag and in bounds Josh, "They are freaking out, you have to help me!" By the grace of Josh's great driving and his unending patience we made it to the Northway, where the ice turned to rain for the rest of the trip.

The show was amazing! What an experience. Words will never do this show justice. Katrina Chester did an amazing job bringing Janis's true spirit and vocal tenacity to life. It was a show I will never forget, and I couldn't have asked for better company to share it with.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Health Update

I am happy to report a few things. Josh escaped the dreaded flu bug, Lennon made a very quick and energetic recovery, and I am much better, although the cough still lingers.

Colton, well that's another story. The poor kid started the whole circuit and is taking us out with a bang. After a few nervous nights and two trips to the doctor we were finally correctly diagnosed with pneumonia. Thankfully he is not so bad off to be in the hospital, he actually went to school Thursday and Friday. His asthma has always been our toughest battle, but pneumonia is a whole new fight. No parent should have to see their child in so much pain just trying to breath or lay down. We are on the path to recovery with heavy duty antibiotics, plenty of fluids and some extra rest. I admire him for how well he has faced all of this. X-rays, 4 hours at the doctor's office, a trip to the ER in the middle of the night (in minus 16 degree weather) and through it all he has remained utterly patient with his crazy nervous parents and over-energetic sister.

In the midst of all of the sickness, he has not forgot is birthday. Today, we plan his party. So far he has decided on a rock n'roll theme with 7 friends. Food proved easy enough for him: fruit salad, mini-pumpkin muffins, cheese and crackers, and Dad's "famous" guitar cake. Now I just have to figure out how to rock out the house and keep this kids occupied!