Time has eluded me...how long has it been since I posted? I am ashamed. I have to admit that it wasn't lack of time, I am quite sure that I have had a moment or two where I could have sat down to task, but I didn't. Upon reflection I have come to the conclusion that I was avoiding the topic at hand, one you can't avoid, you watch it happen to your friends and think, "What's the big deal?" Well, as I read recently, it's funny...until it happens to you!
Yes, I am turning thirty (and for the two of you laughing...your turn is coming). Some people would think I was already thirty, due to the fact that everyone I know lied to me for weeks and almost gave me a heart attack last Saturday. Yes, I am now a surprise party victim. I have to give enormous credit to my husband, I don't know how he pulled it all together, but he got me good! After my sister-in-law, Ashley passed her LPN boards and my Mom her RN boards it was mentioned that a girls lunch to celebrate would be fun. So on Saturday both Moms showed up at our house to pick me up, we grabbed Ashley in town and off to Lake Placid we went. We had a blast, how they didn't slip I don't know. We were an hour later than planned because I kept shopping, yes me. Poor Josh, he kept about 40 people (including kids) holed up in our house for an hour waiting for me. As we pulled in the driveway, Josh came out onto the porch (in his pj's) asking if we had fun, yada, yada. I didn't think anything of it. He then ushered me into the house, there are no pictures of this and I am thankful, because my face had to look like an ad for crayola red.
It was a great party, even if I am still 29!
So glad the party was a success! And no, I'm not laughing about turning 30, though they say 30 is the new 20. Somehow, I'm not convinced. I'm way too tired for that to be true. :)
30 the new 20...well you know what I was like when I was 20..northbrook...ok well I am ok with 30 and I totally intend to not let the occassion pass w/o us getting together just the 3 of us somehow. I am thinking Boston or NYC for a weekend to celebrate...I'll be the designated driver :)
Hi Holly, I just wanted to wish you a very belated Happy Birthday and tell you we are sorry we couldn't make it to your surprsie bash. Well, ok, I lied...not sorry cuz we were cuddling our new Grandson, Jaydon, at the time. (check out our pics on myspace)Anyway, I would kill to be thirty again because that seems very young to me especially since Uncle Ron & I just had our 25 Anniversary! I also wanted to mention how much I enjoy your blog, reading about your lives and the photos! I am very impressed and VERY proud to be "Aunt BJ' to such a lovely family! We're looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving. See you all soon! XXXOOO, Aunt Beej
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