Saturday, February 2, 2008

Groundhogs and Tea

Pauxatawny Phil will forever be overshadowed in this household by Lennon's birthday. I love that both of my children were born on such outlandish holiday's. We celebrated with an old fashioned Tea Party. It was just what she asked for; elegant tea cups and saucers, dainty sandwiches, fruit salad, cookies, sweet bread and "the girls." She was quite insistant on the "no boys allowed" rule.


A. Elizabeth Ash said...

Happy Birthday Lennon!! you are my kind of girl you sweetheart!

Aunt Paula said...

Happy belated birthday Lennon! I hope you had a great birthday tea. I heard all about it and enjoyed seeing your picture at the special event. We sure wish we lived closer to everyone so we could spend family times together. My birthday is on groundhog day too! I promised your Mom I'd start a blog and I will! Tell Colton "HI!" for us, ok? Love, Aunt Paula, Uncle Len and cousin Nathan.

Aunt Paula said...

Happy Birthday to my fellow groundhog! Lennon, I hope you enjoyed your girl only tea party. I'm sure it was a lot of fun. I wish I could have shared in the festivities! I sure wish we lived closer so we could share in family events. Hopefully we'll see you soon. Please give our love to Colton too, ok? Love, Aunt Paula, Uncle Len and cousin Nathan.