I am officially exhausted. This flu-bug has got to go. I am afraid that even if I doused the whole house with bleach, we're in for round two. Last Saturday night Colton was struck down with the body aches and fever, which lasted through Sunday and part of Monday. Like clockwork Lennon caught on fire Monday night through Tuesday and part of Wednesday. And then when I just couldn't give another dose of Tylenol, I got it. What misery! I can't remember ever feeling so awful. I have had it since Wednesday night and I just can't seem to kick the low grade fever which makes the whole world look a little wobbly. I dosed myself up with medicine yesterday to go to work. Mom and Chris were looking forward to a fun day with the kids, they were both better...I swear! I called to check in at 3:30 and Mom had bad news, Colton had a fever and it was going up quick. I left work and flew out there with Tylenol at the ready, my poor baby was lying in the tub, burning up. After a long night of medicine and back rubbing, he is still feverish this morning and in need of a good rest.
If this cycle is starting all over again it might be better to just shoot me now. No wonder adults have a harder time recouping from illnesses, it's been coming at me from all angles. The scary thing is, Josh has escaped so far. Will he get it? Oh, I hope not. First off, he can't miss school and secondly I don't think I have the energy.
I hear you and feel for you. We have been through about a whole container of clorox wipes. And I have not slept in about 4 days.
On a lighter note...when Shane read your comment on our blog he laughed out loud. Guess he knows the truth.
I'm sorry to hear about your flu outbreak. I hope you're all well soon and that Josh escapes it. Hugs and kisses to all (Oh, maybe not - HA!)
The consensus seems to be that the only thing worse than the flu itself is living with children who also have the flu.
Good luck. Hope you get some rest.
Hey just thought I would post the same comment here as I did on my blog in response to you...
I love you Holly and Shane laughed right outloud when he read what you wrote!!
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