Anyway the suit was ordered, boots were bought, makeup studied and wine was drunk before leaving the house. I dared myself to do it in the end, how much more out of character could I get, would I ever be in this position again? Why the hell not! Aside from my own physical insecurities and my husband complaining that I would get hit on while he was playing...remember it was his idea, I had one other problem. One long unreachable zipper right up the middle of my back; my only escape route. In the course of the evening I had to invite several strangers, including Raggedy Andy, to unzip me so I could go to the bathroom. (I did have the forethought to wear a tank top underneath.)
I had my fill of the evenings attractions by about 1 am and said my goodbyes. When I arrived home all I wanted was a shower. I walked into our bedroom, removed my boots and then it hit me...I was still zipped! Josh was still playing his third set and wouldn't be home for hours yet. How in the world was I going to get out of this damn outfit? It took me twenty minutes, a coat hanger and a few massive wedgies before I was finally free. If only there had been a video camera to tape the battle between me and the suit, especially Bailey sitting there with his head cocked to one side wondering what I was doing!
Hilaroius! Great story. And you truly did look amazing my dear...last year I went as Cinderella's fairy godmother. I like your idea better. :)
Next year, if you find yourself in the same sitution, I'll come to your rescue. What a great blog, Holly!
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