I sat at the computer, staring at a scrabble game when I was rocked out of my stupor by the pounding of feet coming down the stairs. "MOM!" I begrudgingly turned my head from the screen. "Yes?" It comes out in a sigh I cannot hide, I wanted one minute to play a word...this scrabble thing is starting to get in the way of normal life.
Lennon stands defiantly in front of me and whines, in her best whiny voice, "Colton says God is a man, but I say God is a woman...and it's not fair he won't listen to me!!" Josh walks by as the words tumble out of her mouth and gives me a look that says, All you Hun!. I try to gently calm her down and then proceed to spew forth something like, "God isn't a thing you can touch, not a human being like me and you. God is an idea, a belief that people turn to to help them do good things and make good decisions. God can be anything you want it to be. If you believe that God is a woman, that's fine. And Colton can believe God is a man. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, and we have to respect that."
She looks triumphantly at Colton, very proud that she was indeed right. Colton then decides to defend his side by saying, "Then why in my Bible do they call God "him"? He must be a man." His arms are crossed and he does not want to be wrong, how can the Bible be wrong? I start sputtering about the he/she thing and how much longer the Bible would be if they wrote it that way when Josh finally comes to my rescue.
"For all we know guys, Bailey thinks God is a dog...maybe he's right."
That just sent us all in to a fit of giggles and the tension floated away. Fwewh...all I wanted was to play a word on scrabble, but now I'm to tired to think.
This is so great...I love your answers to these questions. I'll have to revisit them when I'm at a loss myself...at some yet-to-be-determined future point.
And I'm sorry if I'm contributing to the Scrabble madness!
I love the scrabble maddness! I just have to keep it in check...
As far as the conversation goes, thank heaven for Josh. We would have been discussing it for hours!
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