Monday, September 29, 2008

Freshly washed and rejuvenated

I didn't want to hike today, it was a long weekend and I was feeling very rundown and sluggish this morning. Outside was damp and cloudy (despite the forecast of mostly sunny) and a great day to stay in and veg. At 11:oo it was now or never. Bailey was peering at me in anticipation urging me with those big eyes to pull myself together. He was ecstatic when I grabbed my sneakers and headed for the door. I am very happy I went, the woods smelled freshly washed and the cloudy sky made the array of fall colors pop. I brought the camera hoping to get a great shot. I'm afraid I didn't "capture" the moment, but these should give some idea to the beauty of the day. (I did feel much better once I got moving.)

1 comment:

A. Elizabeth Ash said...

fabulous!! i can almost smell it and if i close my eyes i can feel it. HOME