I received a phone call at work today, which is not unusual in its own right. The caller and the caller's location where. My little daughter climbed, under her own power, Mt Baker today with Josh and Bailey after school. When she reached the top she called me from Josh's new toy...his new beloved Blackberry (how high tech of us Adirondacker's, huh). Then they took a picture of themselves and emailed it to me...from the top of the mountain!! I do realize that most people are much more tech savey than me and this probably happens all the time, but I was a bit beside myself.
Post Script: to prove that the picture of Lennon napping after school was not staged, Josh brought home some further documentation (with much better scenery than mine).

My fingers are getting cold...I need to go sit by the gas fireplace. I refuse to turn on the furnace and it is supposed to be 20 degrees tonight...please pray for my pumpkins!!!
this is crazy. that sweet girl seems to be able to sleep anywhere!!!
such a great story & photo!
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