Saturday, July 21, 2007

Sarcastic Wit

I was hoping to be a little more diligent in my posting, but time is precious and kids are downright needy. Ha! That might be putting it mildly.

Lennon has somehow discovered the art of sarcasam without really understanding it; and there is nothing funnier to a six-year-old than a sarcastic three-year-old. Last week during some of the few hours it didn't rain I attemped to rid my garden of its many layers of weeds. The kids to their credit played nicely for most of the time. I soon discovered why they were so quiet...the overwhelming amount of mud pies they had "baked" all over the front walk. The rain soon reared its nasty head again and I decided it was time to "clean up" the toys. I pulled out the hose, yes the hose in the middle of a rain storm, and began the task of cleaning the many buckets, pots, and pans. All I asked of the kids was, "Please, put them in the toy box on the porch." Pretty simple, right. Wrong! The toys kept making it to the porch, but instead of in the toy box, they were in a pile directly infront of the front door. Not keeping my cool, I yelled at Lennon, who at the time was playing nicely with her the middle of the toys. "Don't you understand what it means when I ask you to pick up?!!!" To this she replied in the most sorrowful tone..."Yeah, it means I get into trouble." I thought Colton was going to lose it. He was rolling on the ground in hysterics. Lennon didn't even crack a smile, she just kept rocking her doll in the middle of the toys. (I'm sure you will all be happy to hear that the toys did finally end up in the toy box, after I put them there!!)
Well, Mom and Chris are off on their three week excursion to Alaska. I hope they are having fun, but with Uncle Pat as a tour guide how could they not. They have worked hard and deserve a lot of fun. While they are gone we are borrowing their little boat and have discovered a rope swing on Rainbow Lake. I didn't catch any pictures of me and Lennon making our attempts today but we had the camera last Tuesday to document Josh and Colton in all of their high flying acts. And the "cool echo tunnel" as Lennon calls it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Little Changes

Just a quick note. You no longer have to sign in to leave a comment for one of my postings. I didn't know that it was restricted.

Have a great day!!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Crafts, Forts and Soccer balls, oh my!

It seems silly to start each of these posts with the weather, but I have found that with children the weather dictates much of your day. Rain glorious rain! My garden must be so happy, the weeds too I presume. Colton has a summer party to go to today, those poor parents, 15 six-year olds all inside, yikes! A little one on one time with Lennon will be a relief as she doesn't like to share me much anyway. It looks like a day filled with games of Candyland and crafts. At this moment the dinning room table is covered in the little tiny pieces of construction paper...all "Birthday Presents" for poor Uncle Alex. Lennon has found scissors quite fun, and the smaller the paper the better.

Yesterday, Josh and I got a good start on a fort for the kids. I say the kids and I mean all three of them. Josh is insisting on having it be tall enough for him to stand in...I wonder how much time the kids will get in there. Lucky for us our house came with piles of left over wood from the remodeling stages, so our only investment is time and nails.

Soccer started last monday. I have 17 kids on my team!! That is a lot of little soccer balls rolling all over. I think the hardest part is going to be finding time for everyone to be goalie. By the end of practice I had everyone's names down, but will I remember on Monday?