Sunday, August 3, 2008

Congratulations Dad

After twenty-eight years working for the federal government (8-Army and 20-Federal Prison), my Dad has escaped. According to Wikipedia (yes Josh I actually went to this site) - Retirement is the point where a person stops employment completely. The definition continues to state that you might also semi-retire, a term which strikes me as depressing and an oxymoron...either you work or you don't, right? So I guess I must digress and state that my Dad has semi-escaped. Under normal circumstances one might actually take a little break before starting their new job, but where's the excitement in that? Let me break this down a little.
Officially retire Thursday.
Get ready for the party Friday.
Have the party Saturday afternoon/evening.
During the party set your alarm for 1:00 am and get yourself to bed so you can wake up, drive to Albany, and catch your flight to Denver at 6:30 am to start your new job.
(Ozzy Osbourn once toured the country under the title "Retirement Sucks" and I think this is a good example.)

Dad, I hope you enjoy the new job. The party just wasn't the same last night after you went to bed...we'll have to have to do it again, when you can stay up later!!


Josh Clement said...

Hi Hun! Maybe someday if I ever get a real job I can retire! One thing for sure: I'll be rockin' till the end (as long as my damn back holds out anyway!) I too will congratulate Roger on his new endeavor into semi-employment! By the way the party rocked, as always...especially when the kids took the stage with Cloning Cooper (future rockers, for sure!) Also did I mention how great my wife is (no this is not sucking up for a back rub?) I love you Holly. I could never say it enough…so stick that in your blog and smoke it! Why does the word “blog” come up on spell check? That must be a word by now!!

Kate said...

What is Dad doing in Denver???