Sunday, November 16, 2008

Floodwood Mountain...or bust

Mom took last Monday off from work (enjoying a four day weekend) and the kids and I met up with her for a "hike." We packed sandwiches, water, tea and a few snickers bars (good idea Mom) and set of for Floodwood Mt. As soon as we parked the car, both kids were hungry...not a good omen. Mamee came to the rescue with her snickers bars and we started walking. You can't drive to the trail head and so we had to walk a good distance in before hitting the trail. Bailey ran circles around us, sniffing every twig in sight. Colton talked, and talked, and talked to Mamee. And Lennon, her little legs weighted down with big boots did her best to keep up. Finally we reached the trail head, Lennon insisting on helping and adding to her load...

We started up the trail, snow specked and muddy, all of us hungry now. Talking about food and leaping on slippery rocks to keep out of the mud we keep pushing forward, in hopes of actually getting to the hiking part. Then we heard the sound that turns any wise hiker around. Gunshots. Damn hunters...or maybe not. We walked back out to the trail head and stopped for lunch. The tea that Mom had packed refused to be let out of the thermos, no matter how hard we tried.

Lennon had lost any interest in walking and I gave Colton the pack so she could ride on my back, her snowsuit and my vest violently repelling each other giving me a great workout trying to keep her from falling off. In the end we made it back to Mom's for hot tea (we did get the thermos wasn't warm) and hot coco. Another great family adventure on the books.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Well, if nothing else, you're getting good photographs out of such adventures! Hi to Mamee from me! xoxo